Pink Romance

When you need a pink bouquet that is unlike any other, you need look no further than this fine flower bouquet.  Feminine beauty designed with cerise pink and purple, calla lily, pink roses, sea status, wax flower, spray roses, carnation. We have added eucalyptus for the perfect touch of green. This bouquet is bursting with fresh seasonal stems and will enhance any room. The perfect bouquet for anyone who loves the colour pink. A real show- stopper!

  • Delivering Fresh Flowers for Over 30years!
  • Award Winning Florist
  • 5* Google Review Rating

All flowers are shipped during their freshest state so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible! All skilfully arranged and hand-tied by our experienced florists. Delivered anywhere in Dublin, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow & Louth  with a personalized card, bespoke packaging & simple instructions to follow in order help your flowers last. Flowers maybe substituted to equal value when seasonally not available.

*Vase not Included. Can be added at checkout

Pink Romance

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted