(01) 452 7272 celinesflowersandgifts@gmail.com
Order Flowers Now
Bring some Christmas spirit into your home with this wild and magical bouquet of white roses, hypericum, seasonal carnations, elegant christmas foliage and greenery with warm winter hues. The ideal bouquet to brighten up your home or to surprise friends, colleagues or family with.
*Silver Vase not included but can be added for €20
Delivering Fresh Flowers for Over 30years!
Award Winning Florist
5* Google Review Rating
All flowers are shipped during their freshest state so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible! All skilfully arranged and hand-tied by our experienced florists. Delivered anywhere in Dublin, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow & Louth with a personalized card, bespoke packaging & simple instructions to follow in order help your flowers last. Flowers maybe substituted to equal value when seasonally not available.